Day Three (July 15, 2010)
[A-5] Maintenance Methods and Welding Technology (Part I)
[B-4] Maintenance sociology (Part II "Consensus Building")
[B-5] Maintenance Methods and Welding Technology (Part II)
[C-4] Online maintenance
[C-5] Condition Monitoring
[E-4] Industry-academic Collaboration (Part II)
[E-5] Structure and Material Intensity
[F-4] Student Session
[E-4] Industry-academic Collaboration (Part II)
As new fields, valuation software regarding maintenance activity evaluations and mechanization of maintenance itself were introduced. Experts in each field judged their presentations and selected a gold, silver and bronze prize winner. Mr. Kosaka (E-4-4), Prof. Uchimoto (E-4-2), and Ms. Kodama (E-4-3) won the prize, respectively.
- E-4-1
- Prediction of radiation-induced damage in nuclear materials
A multiscale viewpoint is introduced into the modeling of radiation damage processes in nuclear fission and fusion materials, where the processes occur at a wide variety of time and length scales. This viewpoint enables us to understand the dose-rate dependence of microstructural changes in materials, which is important for establishment of irradiation correlation rules.
radiation damage process, fission and fusion materials, multiscale modeling, irradiation correlation
- E-4-2
- Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Degradation by Non-linear Eddy Current Method
Authors have proposed non-linear eddy current method which is a novel material characterization method focusing on the non-linearity of magnetic properties. This method can be a effective tool to evaluate material degradations if the micro-structure changes due to degradations link with change of magnetic properties. In this paper, some examples of its applications are reviewed together with its principle of assessment.
Nondestructive evaluation, Non-linear eddy current method, Sensitization, Alloy 600, Creep damage, Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel
- E-4-3
- A Study on Maintenance Optimization by the Automatic Planning Tool for Regular Plant Outage Work in Nuclear Power Plant Using the Logic Programming Language "Prolog"
This paper discusses maintenance optimization by the automatic planning tool for regular plant outage work in nuclear power plant using the logic programming language "Prolog". As a result of consideration, the following results were obtained.
(1) The automatic planning tool for regular plant outage in nuclear power plant was developed.
(2) Using this tool, the work plan for BWR primary recirculation system and residual heat removal system was automatically made on the condition of flattening man loading over the plant outage schedule as much as possible.
(3) Several points for improving the developed tool were listed.
Maintenance Optimization, Plant Outage Work Planning, Logic Programming Language, Prolog
- E-4-4
- Measurement of Pipe Wall Thickness using EMAT in Flow-Accelerated Corrosion
This paper is concerned with quantitative evaluation of pipe wall thickness Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). This pipe wall thinning occurs on a piping internal wide range at an orifice, an elbow, and a reducer downstream. A shape of a pipe wall thinning like Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) is near arc. And a pipe wall thinning has the surface like scales. Test samples were fabricated to simulate FAC in the series of experiments. A shape of corrosion of the test samples is arc. Other test samples have a surface like scales. The measurement method is using Electro Magnetic Acoustic Resonance. The transducer and method have characteristics of no contact and high resolution measurement.
The pipe wall thinning was able to be measured with precision. The EMAT is able to use to test for the FAC.
Nondestructive Test, Condition Monitoring, On-line Monitoring, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion, Cavitation
- E-4-5
- Development of 960keV X-Band Linac for Portable Nondestructive Testing System
We have been developed 9.4 GHz X-Band linac and 250kW magnetron for X-ray nondestructive testing system for Condition Based Maintenance (CBM). Our linac’s energy is 950 keV, which fits to Japanese regulation to take them to outside of radiation controlled area. This small portable linac enables to diagnosis the moving facility, such as bearing in Nuclear Power Plants.
X-Band, Linac, Nondestructive, CBM, X-ray
- E-4-6
- The basic study of microwave testing for locating wall thinning in pipes
In this paper, inspection of the wall thinning in pipes with microwave is studied. Experimental verifications are carried out to demonstrate that the response of microwave, time of flight, enables one to locate wall thinning. One of the advantages of this method is that whole pipe is evaluated at once Values of time of flight obtained by the experiments agree well with theoretical ones.
Electro magnetic wave, Piping system, wall thinning, Broad area inspection
- E-4-7
- Concept of Virtual Plant for Maintenance Optimization
In this paper the virtual plant concept for optimization of maintenance in nuclear power plant is proposed. The purpose of the virtual plant is the enhancement of accountability for general public. Functions of virtual plant are discussed. They are the visualization of plant information, the optimization of resource management, and the assessment of maintenance schedule.
Concept of Virtual Plant, Safety of Nuclear Power Plant, Maintenance Database, Maintenance Optimization, Enhancement of Accountability

Fig. 20 Judges of [E-4] "Industry-academic Collaboration (Part II)"
Proceedings of JSM 7th Annual Conference, p.515-p.539, Omaezaki, July 2010 (in Japanese).