Current Status of Ultrasonic Examination Performance Demonstration
in Korea
Yongsik KIM1,*, Byungsik YOON1 and Seunghan YANG1
1Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company Central Research Institute(KHNP-CRI), 70, 1312-gil, Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-343, KOREA
The results of ultrasonic testing performed during in-service inspection period for main components of nuclear power plant are affected by the performance of each inspector. To enhance the reliability of inspection, the more restrictive qualification is required. The ASME B&PV code section XI adopted the performance demonstration requirements (Appendix VIII) for the ultrasonic examination of nuclear power plants in the 1989 winter addenda for the first time to enhance the inspection reliability. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. LTD (KHNP) has developed Korean Performance Demonstration (KPD) system for the ultrasonic examination to apply for pressurized light-water and pressurized heavy-water reactor power plants weld in accordance with ASME code section XI. This paper describes the current status of the ultrasonic examination performance demonstration for nuclear power plant in-service inspection in Korea.