Day Two (July 14, 2010)
[A-2] Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
[B-1] Poster Session and Shotgun Presentation
[B-2] Maintenance Optimization
[C-1] Pipe Wall Thinning – its Management and Measurement
[C-2] Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) Monju
[E-1] Maintenance Sociology (Part I "Community Relations")
[E-2] International Session
[E-3] Industry-academic Collaboration (Part I) - Needs and Case Studies
[F-3] EJAM Session
[F-3] EJAM Session
This session was organized for EJAM, the on-line journal published by JSM since last May. Five articles regarding state-of-the-art maintenance technologies in Japan were introduced.
- F-3-1
- Current Status of EJAM "New Technology"
One year has passed since Electronic Journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM) was started on the website of Japan Society of Maintenology (JSM) May 25th, 2009. "New Technology" (NT) is one of the EJAM categories, and introduces widely advanced techniques developed or modified for maintenance. Twenty-two NT articles have been introduced on EJAM website so far as of May 25th, 2010. This report describes the concept of NT, general features of NT articles, actual performance and future wishes for NT.
EJAM, New Technology, Maintenance technology
- F-3-3
- Current Status of EJAM "New Technology" (3)
- Preventive maintenance technology for reactor internals
Repairing technology for reactor internals
- F-3-4
- Current Status of EJAM "New Technology" (4)
- INLAY Method Using the Cylindrical Container for Reactor Vessel of PWR
- F-3-5
- Current Status of EJAM "New Technology" (5)
- Simulation Technique for UT Wave Propagation as an Effective Tool for Predicting the Inspection Results and Interpreting the Root Cause of Unexpected Indications

Fig. 13 A keynote presentation by Prof. Nomoto, an editor-in-chief of EJAM New Technology, on [F-3] "EJAM session"
Proceedings of JSM 7th Annual Conference, p.335-p.339, Omaezaki, July 2010 (in Japanese).